
./ and sh runs the script in a new subshell of current shell, while source executes it in current shell.

Debug a script using bash -x It will output every command before executing it. set -x activates the debugging mode, and set +x deactivates it.

set -f disables file name globbing, and set -v enables verbose mode.


  • #! (sha-bang) at first line: the path to the program that interprets the command in the script, usually is the bash. For example, #! /bin/bash
  • invoking the script: sh scriptname, or bash scriptname. Or to make the script executable with chmod. Then ./scriptname should do the job
  • # is the comment character, can follow the end of a command
  • exit: 0 means successful, other code means unsuccessful, and returns the error code
  • arguments passed to the script in command line is $0, $1, etc. $0 is the script name
  • When current directory is changed, the directory is pushed into the DIRSTACK variable by pushd. It can be removed by popd.


  • stdin, stdout(1), stderr(2)
  • redirecting: >


  • stdout to file: command > file
  • stderr to file: command 2> file
  • stdout to stderr: command 1>&2
  • stdout and stderr to file: command &> file


| connects output to previous program to the next one.


OPTIONS="op1 op2"
select opt in "$OPTIONS"; do
	if [ "$opt" == "op1" ]; then
	elif [ "$opt" == "op2" ]; then
		: # error

It creates a simple select menu with each word in OPTIONS as a choice.

Command line arguments

$0 is the command itself, $1 is the first argument, etc. This can build a useful command line interface.

Read user input

read NAME				# read everything into $NAME
read FNAME LNAME 	# read first word into $FNAME, second word into $LNAME


  • Variable name cannot start with digits.
  • Define a variable: v=1. Whitespaces around the equal sign will cause error. Put right-hand-side strings in quotes is a good habit.
  • Use a variable $v, ${v}, "$v", "${v}"
  • ${VAR:=value} defines the named variable if not existed.
  • $( ls ) captures the output from ls and store it in an anonymous variable. It’s the same as in `cmd`.
  • Quoting variables preserves whitespace. When whitespace is presented in variable definition, then the right-hand-side value should be double quoted.
  • An uninitialized variable has a null value
  • local var=1 defines var as local.

Special variables

  • $@: positional parameters, starting from one. When the expansion occurs within double quotes, each parameter expands to a separate word. $* means the same but it should be avoided.
  • $#: the number of positional parameters in decimal.
  • $$: the ID of current shell. $!: the ID of most recent background process.
  • $?: the return value (0 if successful) of the previous command.

Quoting characters

  • \: escapes the special characters.
  • Single quotes preserve the literal value of each character enclosed within the quotes. A single quote may not occur between single quotes, even when preceded by a backslash.
  • Double quotes preserve the literal value of all characters enclosed, except for the dollar sign, the backticks, and the backslash.

Shell expansion

  • Brace {}: sp{i,e}l is equivalent to spil spel.
  • Tilde ~: ~ alone is subsituted with HOME or home directory of current user executing this command, ~+ is PWD, and ~- is OLDPWD (the previous working directory).
  • "${v}" expands to the parameter v. The {} is required if v is a positional parameter of more than one digit.
  • "${!v}" expands to the parameter with name as value evaluated from v. For example, "${!N*}" expands to all variables starting with N, rather than the variable with name N*.
  • $(cmd) and `cmd` replaces the variable with the output from executing cmd.

Arithmetic evaluation

  • ((1+1)) or [1+1] permits arithmetic expansion and evaluation, thus C-style arithmetic evaluation in bash. [1+1] will do no checks.
  • let can also do this.


  • declare -a array=(elem1 elem2) can declare an array and initialize the array.
  • name[index]=value can create an array.
  • To access an element from an array, use ${name[index]}.
  • ${array[@]} is the whole array.
  • Arrays are zero-based. Members don’t need to be indexed continuously.
  • ${#arrayname[@]} is the length of the array. ${#arrayname[n]} is the length of the nth element in an array.
  • ${array[@]:3:2} extracts 2 elements starting from the position 3 from an array. ${array[2]:0:4} extracts first 4 elements from array[2].
  • ${array[@]/old/new} replaces “old” with “new” in an array and return the new array. It does not change the original array.
  • array=("${array[@]}" elem5 elem6) appends two more elements to an array.
  • unset array[n] removes nth element from array. All other elements remain at their original place. array=(${array[@]:0:$n} ${array[@]:$(($n + 1))}) will remove nth element from array and fill the gap.
  • new=("${old[@]}") copies an array.
  • concat=("${array1[@]}" "${array2[@]}") concatenates two arrays.
  • unset array is used to delete an entire array.
  • array=( "$multiline" ) puts each line as an element in the array.



elif TEST-COMMANDS; then

Note: then and fi are considered separate statements in the shell, so use semi-colon if they are not in their own lines.

TEST-COMMANDS is true of the return status is zero. Usually use [ ] as the test expression.

If there are no elif or else statements, it is equivalent to

test EXPR && ( CMD )

where EXPR is testing expressions inside [].

File test operators: [ -e filename ]

  • -e and -a true if file exits
  • -f the file is a regular file, not a directory or device file
  • -d it’s a directory
  • -h it’s a symbolic link
  • -r user has read permission
  • -w user has write permission
  • -x execute permission
  • [ FILE1 -nt FILE2 ] and [ FILE1 -ot FILE2 ] true of FILE1 is newer/older than FILE2 or FILE1 exists while FILE2 does not.

Integer comparison operators: [ var1 -eq var2 ]

  • -eq is equal to
  • -ne is not equal to
  • -gt is greater than
  • -ge is greater or equal to
  • -lt is less than
  • -le is less than or equal to
  • <, <=, >, and >= can be used inside double parentheses: (("$a" < "$b"))

String comparison operators:

  • -z true if the length of string is zero.
  • -n or [ str ] true of the length of string is non-zero.
  • = and == are for equality test. Whitespace should frame =: if [ "$a" = "$b" ]
  • != is not equal to, same usage as =
  • < and > for comparison in ASCII alphabetical order. In single bracket use \< and \> instead: if [[ "$a" < "$b" ]] but if [ "$a" \< "$b" ]

Combining expressions:

  • Negation: [ !EXPR ] true if EXPR evaluates to false.
  • And: [ EXPR1 -a EXPR2 ]
  • Or: [ EXPR1 -o EXPR2 ]
  • () can be used to override precedence of operators.


case EXPR in
	CASE1) : ;;
	CASE2) : ;;


for loop:

for i in some_array; do 


for i in $( ls ); do
	echo item: $i

C-style for:

for i in `seq 1 10`; do
	echo $i

while loop:

while [ condition ]; do

until loop:

until [ condition ]; do



function my_func {

Call function with parameter:

my_func e f g

so e is stored in $1, f is in $2, etc.

#String editing


The sed program can perform text pattern substitutions and deletions using regular expressions, like the ones used with the grep command.

Editing commands:

  • a\: Append text below current line.
  • c\: Change text in the current line with new text.
  • d: Delete text.
  • i\: Insert text above current line.
  • p: Print text.
  • r: Read a file.
  • s: Search and replace text.
  • w: Write to a file.


  • -n: silent mode, do not print every line.

Usage: sed cmd file where cmd is a string in single quotes as follows:

  • Search for patterns: /pattern/p where pattern can be a regex, and p is the editing commands.
  • Range of lines: start,endp where start and end can be line numbers ($ can be used to represent end of file), and p is the editing commands. /start_pattern/, /end_pattern/p means range between first occurrence of start_pattern and end_pattern.
  • Find and replace: s/old/new/ finds and replaces the first occurrence of old with new and s/old/new/g finds and replaces all.


Run awk:

  • awk PROGRAM inputfile runs awk program on the specified input file.
  • awk -f program_file inputfile runs awk program specified in program_file.


  • Variables are either strings or numeric values.
  • $FS defines the input field separator.
  • $OFS defines the output field separator.
  • $ORS defines the output record separator. Each line processed is considered as a record. Thus it specifies separators between lines. It defaults to newline.
  • $NR holds the number of lines (records) processed. It is incremented by 1 after a line is read.
  • $0 holds each line that awk reads.
  • $i holds the ith field in the current line.
  • awk initializes an undefined variable to null string.
  • C-style shorthands like VAR+=VALUE is also accepted.


  • print outputs parameters to stdout. It takes arbitrary number of parameters separated by commas and they are space-separated by default in $OFS. If no comma is used, awk treat a series of parameters as one and concatenate them into one. Use \t and \n for tab and newline.
  • printf has more precise control over the output format. The formatting is the same as C-language printf statement.

Metacharacters ($, ", /) should be escaped.


  • BEGIN { cmd } executes cmd before all lines are processed. It is helpful to set $FS in BEGIN using FS=":".
  • END { cmd } executes cmd after all lines are processed.
