
Much like ArrayList, but it can hold multiple datatypes.

Syntax: a_list = ['a', 1], square brackets with comma-separated list of values. To create a one-element list, use [ val ]. list(val) converts any iterable to a list, but it will fail if val is not iterable.

An empty list is evaluated to False, all non-empty lists are True.

How are lists implemented in CPython?

CPython’s lists are really variable-length arrays, not Lisp-style linked lists. The implementation uses a contiguous array of references to other objects, and keeps a pointer to this array and the array’s length in a list head structure.

This makes indexing a list a[i] an operation whose cost is independent of the size of the list or the value of the index.

When items are appended or inserted, the array of references is resized. Some cleverness is applied to improve the performance of appending items repeatedly; when the array must be grown, some extra space is allocated so the next few times don’t require an actual resize.

List Operations

  • Index are zero-based.
  • Negative index is counting backwards from the end. Much like a_list[-n] == a_list[len(a_list)-n].
  • a_list[begin:end] is slicing. It returns a new list from a_list[begin] up but not including a_list[end]. If begin == 0 and/or end == len(a_list), they can be omitted, so a_list[:] returns a copy of a_list. Indices in slicing can also be negative.
  • + can be used to concatenate lists.
  • a_list.append(var) appends var to a_list’s end. It takes arbitrary types of variables and consider it as one. It returns NoneType.
  • a_list.extend(another_list) concatenates another_list to the end of a_list.
  • a_list.insert(idx, var) inserts var at idxth positions. Existing elements shifts right.
  • a_list.count(var) counts the number of occurrences of var in a_list. If var is not present, it returns 0.
  • var in a_list returns True if a_list contains var. It’s faster than count().
  • a_list.index(var) returns the index of first occurrence of var. Optional parameters of start and end of search range can be specified. It throws an ValueError if var is not in a_list.
  • del a_list[idx] removes the idxth element. The gap is filled by shifting all elements on the right left by 1.
  • a_list.remove(var) removes first occurrence of var. It raises a ValueError if var is not in a_list.
  • a_list.pop() removes the last element in a_list and returns it. It raises and IndexError if the list is empty.
  • a_list.sort() sorts the list in-place, while sorted(a_list) makes a new list for sorted results. An optional parameter key specifies a function of one argument to extract the sorting key, and optional reverse makes the result in descending order if set to True, an optional cmp specifies a function of two arguments as a comparison function for more advanced custom sorting.

Named Slices

PRICE = slice(20,32)
record[PRICE] # same as record[20:32]

This is useful to name magic numbers.

Use List as Stacks

The list methods make it very easy to use a list as a stack, where the last element added is the first element retrieved (“last-in, first-out”). To add an item to the top of the stack, use append(). To retrieve an item from the top of the stack, use pop() without an explicit index.


Immutable list. It provides a write-protect mechanism to your data.

Syntax: a_tuple = ('a', 1), an empty tuple is ().

Note: an additional comma is required to create a tuple with exactly ONE elements. a_tuple = (1) assigns 1 to a_tuple (which is an int), but a_tuple = (1,) creates a tuple.

[] is used to index tuples. For example, t[-1] gets the last element in tuple t.

All modification methods in list are not valid. Access methods are still valid.

Tuples can be used to return multiple values from a function through unpacking (see Python Iterator post for more information):

An empty tuple is evaluated to False, non-empty tuples are evaluated to True.

v = ('a', 2, True)
(x, y, z) = v # x == 'a', y == 2, z == True

So a function returns a tuple can actually assign multiple return values at once.

Methods on lists, tuples, and strings

len(s): returns the number of elements in s.

min(s): returns the minimal element in s.

max(s): returns the maximal element in s.

all(s): True if all elements are evaluated to True.

any(s): True if at least one element is evaluated to True.

Methods on lists and tuples

sum(x): returns sum of all elements in s.

s.count(x): returns number of occurrences of x in s.

s.index(x): returns the index of first occurrence of x in s.


An unordered bag of unique values.

Syntax: a_set = {1}. To create an empty set, we must call the constructor set(), because {} is an empty dictionary.

An empty set is evaluated to False.

Python set is implemented as dictionary with hash code as the key.

Set Operations

  • a_set.add(var): add var to a_set. If var is already in a_set, nothing happens, it’s just a no-op.
  • a_set.update(another_set): add all members in another_set to a_set. Duplications are ignored. update() can take multiple sets, lists, and tuples as parameters.
  • To remove a var from a_set, we can use either a_set.discard(var) or a_set.remove(var). The only difference is if var in a_set == False, discard() is a no-op, while remove() raises a KeyError.
  • a_set.pop() removes a random value from a_set and returns it. To pop() from an empty set will raise a KeyError exception.
  • a_set.clear() removes all members and leaves an empty set. It’s equivalent to a_set = set().
  • Union: a_set.union(b_set) or a_set | b_set.
  • Intersection: a_set.intersection(b_set) or a_set & b_set.
  • Difference: a_set.difference(b_set) or a_set - b_set, it returns a set containing all the elements that are in a_set but not b_set.
  • Symmetric difference: a_set.symmetric_difference(b_set) or a_set ^ b_set, it returns all the elements in exactly one of them.
  • Subset: a_set.issubset(b_set)
  • Superset: a_set.issuperset(b_set)


An unordered set of key-value pairs. Dictionary is optimized to retrieve value with key, but no the other way around.

Syntax: a_dict = {'key1': 'val1', 'key2': 'val2'}. To retrieve a value, use a_dict['key1'] to get 'val1'. A KeyError will be raised if the given key is not present.

To add or change a key-value pair, use a_dict['key3'] = 'val3'.

To delete a key-value pair, use del a_dict['key3'].

A dictionary can be created from a list of 2-item lists.

An empty dictionary is evaluated to False.

dic.keys() returns all keys in dic.

dic.values() returns all values in dic.

dic.items() returns all key-value pairs (as tuples) in dic.

In Python2, dic.keys(), dic.values() and dic.items() are lists. In Python3, are view objects, meaning they’ll reflect changes to dic.

dict.fromkeys(seq, value=None) creates a dictionary that maps items in seq to value, default to None. It is a class method.

Default Values

The defaultdict(default_factory) method in collections module returns a dict-like object, with a factory method for missing values. For example, defaultdict(list) returns a dict that inserts an empty list when missing keys are accessed.

Ordered Dict

The OrderedDict class from the collections module is a dict that remembers the order that keys were inserted. If a new entry overwrites an existing entry, the original insertion position is left unchanged. This is achieved by maintaining a doubly linked list that orders the keys according to insertion order. Be aware that the size of an OrderedDict is more than twice as large as a normal dictionary due to the extra linked list that’s created.

Combined Dict

The ChainMap class in the collections module takes multiple mappings and makes them logically appear as one. However, the mappings are not literally merged together. Instead, a ChainMap simply keeps a list of the underlying mappings and redefines common dictionary operations to scan the list.

An alternative is to use dict.update(another_dict) method to actually perform the merge.

How are dictionaries implemented in CPython?

CPython’s dictionaries are implemented as resizable hash tables. Compared to B-trees, this gives better performance for lookup (the most common operation by far) under most circumstances, and the implementation is simpler.

Dictionaries work by computing a hash code for each key stored in the dictionary using the hash() built-in function. The hash code varies widely depending on the key; for example, “Python” hashes to -539294296 while “python”, a string that differs by a single bit, hashes to 1142331976. The hash code is then used to calculate a location in an internal array where the value will be stored. Assuming that you’re storing keys that all have different hash values, this means that dictionaries take constant time – O(1), in computer science notation – to retrieve a key. It also means that no sorted order of the keys is maintained, and traversing the array as the .keys() and .items() do will output the dictionary’s content in some arbitrary jumbled order.


List comprehension

Syntax: [<expression> for var in list_var if condition]

<expression>: can be any Python expression, it will be the result of each element after list comprehension

var: temporary variable to hold a single variable in the list

list_var: the original list

if condition: optional, only the elements with condition=true will be kept in the final list

Dictionary comprehension

Syntax: {<key>:<value> for var in list_var if condition}

Note: it is enclosed in {} and returns a dictionary

<key>: expression of keys in dictionary

<value>: expression of values in dictionary

Note: to get both keys and values from a dictionary, we can use {... for key, value in dict.items()}.

Set comprehension

Syntax: {<expression> for var in set_var if condition}. Set comprehension can take set (as well as list) as input.