

sys.path: Python’s search path.

time module

time_struct to represent a point in time (accurate to 1 millisecond).

time.strptime(str) takes a formatted time string and converts it to a time_struct.

Functions to convert between different time representations.

time.localtime(): converts Unix time to local time.

time.sleep(sec): sleeps for some seconds.

subprocess module

The subprocess module allows you to spawn new processes, connect to their input/output/error pipes, and obtain their return codes.

unittest module

For unit testing in Python.

  • To write a test case, subclass the TestCase of the unittest module.
  • Each individual test is a method of the testing class. A test method takes no parameters, returns no value, and must have a name beginning with test.
  • Tests pass if no exceptions are raised. Assertion is passed without raising any exceptions.
  • TestCase class provides assertion methods. So call self.assertXYZ().
  • unittest.main() runs each test case.

self.assertEqual(var1, var2): compares output with expected value. self.assertRaises(exception, function, argument1, ...): test if function with given arguments will raise given exception.

xml.etree.ElementTree module

The ElementTree library is part of the Python standard library, and is used to parse XML.

import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree

tree = etree.parse(file) takes a filename or a stream object. It parses the whole file at once. It returns an object tree which represents the entire document.

root = tree.getroot() returns the root element in tree.

tree.findall(queryStr) is the same as tree.getroot().findall(queryStr), just for convenience.

etree.tostring(elem) converts Element to XML string.

Element in ElementTree

  • It evalues to False if it contains no children (i.e. len(elem) == 0).
  • elem.tag is as {namespace}localname.
  • It acts like a list, the items of the list are its direct children. So you can call len() on it, or use it as an iterator to loop throught all its child elements.
  • elem.attrib is a dictionary containing its attributes.
  • elem.findall(queryStr) takes a query string and returns a list of elements that match the query.
  • elem.find(queryStr) takes a query string and returns the first matching element.
  • To instantiate a new element, pass the element name as the first argument. Add attributes as optional argument attrib, which is a dictionary of attribute names and values.

Query string:

  • {namespace}localname will search among the direct children of the given element.
  • //{namespace}localname will search any elements regardless of nesting level.
  • It’s a “limit support for XPath expressions”.

lxml module

Third-party, install before using!

It provides 100% compatible ElementTree API with full XPath support.

It’s faster on large files. If we only use ElementTree API, we can do this:

	from lxml import etree
except ImportError:
	import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree

chardet module

For encoding detection, designed for Python 2.

random module

  • Set the random seed: random.seed(). It takes an integer, byte data, or use system clock if nothing is specified as the seed.
  • Pick a random item from an iterable, use random.choice(iter).
  • Shuffle an iterable in place, use random.shuffle(iter).
  • Produce random integers from start to stop inclusive, use random.randint(start, stop).
  • Produce random numbers from 0 to 1, use random.random().
  • random.uniform() and random.gauss() generates uniformly and normally distributed values.

datetime module

It is used for date and time manipulations. If it’s not suffice, use dateutil module.

  • datetime.timedelta represents a time interval.
  • datetime.datetime represents a time.
  • datetime.strptime(str, format) and datetime.strftime(datetime_obj, format) converts a string to a datetime object and vice versa.