Simple HTTP Request

For really simple HTTP client code, using the built-in urllib module is usually fine.

from urllib import request, parse # Base URL being accessed

url = ''
# Dictionary of query parameters (if any)
parms = {
   'name1' : 'value1',
   'name2' : 'value2'
# Encode the query string
querystring = parse.urlencode(parms)
# Make a GET request and read the response
u = request.urlopen(url+'?' + querystring)
resp =

If you need to send the query parameters in the request body using a POST method, encode them and supply them as an optional argument to urlopen():

from urllib import request, parse # Base URL being accessed
url = ''
# Dictionary of query parameters (if any)
parms = {
   'name1' : 'value1',
   'name2' : 'value2'
# Encode the query string
querystring = parse.urlencode(parms)
# Make a POST request and read the response
u = request.urlopen(url, querystring.encode('ascii'))
resp =

If you need to supply some custom HTTP headers in the outgoing request such as a change to the user-agent field, make a dictionary containing their value and create a Request instance and pass it to urlopen():

from urllib import request, parse ...
# Extra headers
headers = {
    'User-agent' : 'none/ofyourbusiness',
    'Spam' : 'Eggs'
req = request.Request(url, querystring.encode('ascii'), headers=headers)
# Make a request and read the response
u = request.urlopen(req)
resp =

requests Library

It is probably the go-to library to use to make REST API calls. It provides nice segregation between URL, parameters, and headers, and provides different APIs to make different HTTP requests. Note that requests can interpret different response types via different attributes. For example, the following example returns response in Unicode-decoded format.

import requests
# Base URL being accessed
url = ''
# Dictionary of query parameters (if any)
parms = {
   'name1' : 'value1',
   'name2' : 'value2'
# Extra headers
headers = {
    'User-agent' : 'none/ofyourbusiness',
    'Spam' : 'Eggs'
resp =, data=parms, headers=headers)
# Decoded text returned by the request
text = resp.text