Now, you have already set up your device and your management systems (UniFi Controller and UNMS). Nothing lasts forever so it is important to configure backups so that in an unlikely event of disaster, you can easily restore your device configurations and management systems.

UniFi Controller and UNMS both provide automatic backups:

UniFi’s backup files are placed at /var/lib/unifi/backup/autobackup/ and belongs to unifi:unifi user and group. UNMS’s backup files are placed at /home/unms/data/config-backups/ for device configurations and /home/unms/data/unms-backups/backups for controller backups, respectively, and belongs to unms:root user and group. Thus, you should use sudo to access these files or configure users and groups.

I opt for s3 sync functionality to sync these folders to an S3 bucket.

  1. Attach an instance role with S3 write permissions to the instance running your UniFi Controller and UNMS.
  2. Write a short script as your backup routine.
  3. Create a cron job to run them automatically.

The backup script is s3 sync commands:

sudo aws s3 sync /var/lib/unifi/backup/autobackup/ s3://<backup-bucket-name>/unifi-controller
sudo aws s3 sync /home/unms/data/config-backups/ s3://<backup-bucket-name>/unms/config-backups
sudo aws s3 sync /home/unms/data/unms-backups/backups s3://<backup-bucket-name>/unms/unms-backups

The cron job runs a couple of hours after the weekly backup, which is configured to run at midnight UTC every Monday:

0 5 * * 1 /path/to/script/

Then, if you lose your instance, you can easily launch another one, attach the Elastic IP to the new instance, install controllers and restore them from the S3 bucket.

Further Reads

This is the post series. Other posts can be found under HomeNetwork tag.