Today, I accidently accessed the standard HTTP and HTTPS endpoint at my home’s DNS name after setting up DDNS, and the EdgeOS GUI shows up. In addition, I can SSH to my DNS name and access EdgeOS from terminal. I have set up firewall rules to block any access from WAN, but how is it possible?

It turns out that EdgeOS listens on port 22, 80, and 443 for SSH, HTTP, and HTTPS on all interfaces, including the WAN interface. This is a significant security risk if the EdgeOS username and password are compromised, or the default username and password are used.

To disable WAN access, we should configure EdgeOS to listen on only LAN interface IP addresses for gui and ssh services. This should be configured for every VLAN that can access EdgeOS. For example, the untagged LAN network is and VLAN 10 ( is the “secure” VLAN, then the following setup is required:

set service gui listen-address
set service gui listen-address
set service ssh listen-address
set service ssh listen-address

After committing the change, I can no longer access GUI or SSH via the DNS name or WAN IP address.

Further Reads

This is the post series. Other posts can be found under HomeNetwork tag.