
Everything in Ruby is an object.

nil is the null in Ruby.

Use require to include other files in workspace.

irb is the interactive ruby shell.


# forms a single-line comment.


is multiline comment, but no one uses them.

Function not found

If a function (or a method) is not found, Ruby calls the method_missing method with the function name as id and parameters as *arguments. By default method_missing raises a NameError exception.


** for power.

Arithmetic is actually method on an object: 1+3 is actually 1.+(3).


  • Equality: ==
  • Inequality: !=
  • Negation: !
  • And: &&
  • Or: ||

and and or keywords are like && and || in bash. They are only used as flow-control and never use them in boolean operation:

  • do_something() and do_something_else() call the latter only the former succeeds.
  • do_something() or do_something_else() call the latter only the former fails.

In Ruby, only nil and false are falsey, 0 is evaluated to true.

Data Structure

Assignment returns right-hand-side value, so assignments can be chained:

x = y = 10

Variable names uses snake_case (lower-case words chained with underscore), just like in C++ and Python.


Prefer single quoted strings for string literals, and use double quoted strings for additional inner calculations such as substitution: #{val} inside another string invokes substitution of val into the place.

+ concatenate strings, but not with numbers. Call to_s method to convert number to strings.

puts is Ruby’s printing method. It returns nil.


:pending is a symbol. It is immutable, reusable constants represented by an interger value. It favors over strings for comparison.

Symbol is about who it is, not what it is. All references to a symbol shares the same object ID (hash key), but two strings with same content may not.


Comma-separated values enclosed in square brackets. Values in an array can have different types.

Array index is zero-based, and accessor [] is also a method.

  • array[-1] points to the last element.
  • array[2, 3] returns 3 elements from index 2 in a new array.
  • array[1..3] returns 3 elemens from index 1 to 3 in a new array.
  • array << val appends val to the end of array.
  • array.include?(1) checks if 1 is in array.


Hash is Ruby’s primary dictionary with key/value pairs.

hash = { 'color' => 'green', 'number' => 5 }
new_hash = { defcon: 3, action: true }

Second form uses symbols as keys, and supported from Ruby 1.9.

  • Look up by key: hash['color']. If the key doesn’t exist, returns nil.
  • Key set: hash.keys, value set: hash.values.
  • Check existence: hash.has_key?('color'), hash.has_value?(5).



if true
	'if statement'
elsif false
	'else if, optional'
	'else, optional'

Do not use parentheses around the condition of if.

Ternary if

?: exists in Ruby. However, only very simple conditional are recommended to use this form.


unless is the opposite of if. If the value is false then the expression is executed. Don’t use unless with else, use if instead.

Modifier if and unless

You can use if and unless and modifiers:

<expr> if <condition>

Then <expr> is executed only when <condition> evaluated to true.


case grade
when 'A'
	puts 'Way to go kiddo'
when 'B'
	puts 'Better luck next time'
when 'C'
	puts 'You can do better'
when 'D'
	puts 'Scraping through'
when 'F'
	puts 'You failed!'
 	puts 'Alternative grading system, eh?'

Cases can also use ranges:

case grade
when 90..100
 		puts 'Hooray!'
when 80...90
 		puts 'OK job'
 		puts 'You failed!'


for loops

for counter in 1..5
	puts "#{counter}"

But no one uses for loops. Instead passes a block to each method. A block is like lambdas, anonymous functions.

(1..5).each do |counter|
	puts "#{counter}"

Or: (1..5).each { |counter| puts "#{counter}" }.

Arrays and hashes can be iterated using each.

while loops

counter = 1
while counter <= 5
	puts "iteration #{counter}"
	counter += 1

After the while condition, there is an optional do, but it is omitted.

until loop

until loop executes while the condition is false.

Modifier while and until

Like if and unless, while and until can be used as modifiers.

Infinite loop

loop do
	# break somewhere

creates an infinite loop. It’s generally the same as while true.

Loop controller

  • break: leave the loop block early.
  • next: skip the rest of the current iteration.
  • redo: redo the current iteration.

Exception handling

	# code here that might raise an exception
	raise NoMemoryError, 'You ran out of memory.'
rescue NoMemoryError => exception_variable
 	puts 'NoMemoryError was raised', exception_variable
rescue RuntimeError => other_exception_variable
 	puts 'RuntimeError was raised now'
 	puts 'This runs if no exceptions were thrown at all'
 	puts 'This code always runs no matter what'


def sum(x, y)
 	x + y

Use parentheses when there are arguments, and omit parentheses when the method doesn’t accept any arguments.

Functions and blocks returns the value of the last statement.

Parentheses are optional when calling methods. Parameters are separated by commas.

sum 3, 4
sum sum(3, 4), 5 # resolve ambiguity

To use a block as parameter, use &:

def guests(&block) 'some_argument'

To pass arbitrary number of parameters, use *. These parameters will be converted into an array:

def guests(*array)
 		array.each { |guest| puts guest }


All methods have an implicit, optional block parameter which can be called with the yield keyword. The yield keyword calls the code supplied in the block.

def surround
	puts "{"
	puts "}"

surround { puts 'hello world' }

Function call to surround replaces the block into the yield keyword.


  • Definition:
    class Human
      # something
  • Class variables, shared by all instances of this class and all its descendants: @@species = 'Human'
  • Constructor is a method called initialize. Instance variables are defined here using @name.
  • Getters and setters: ```ruby

    Basic setter method

    def name=(name) @name = name end

Basic getter method

def name @name end

 However, getters and setters can be generated using `attr_accessor :name`, or individually using `attr_reader :name` and `attr_writer :name`. Variables after `attr_accessor` keyword can be chained together using commas.
* Class methods: use `self` keywords like `def self.say(msg)`.
* Instantiate a class object: `jim ='Jim')`.

## Singleton classes
The singleton class of an object is a class that holds methods for only that instance. To define it, using `class << <object>`.

Often, singleton class are defined like this:

	class C
		class << self
			# ...

This allows definition of class methods without the `self` keywords, and they are grouped into the singleton class for better readability.

## Variable scope
* Global: `$var`
* Instance: `@var`
* Class: `@@var`
* Constant: `Var`

Note `var` and `$var` is two different variables.

## Accessibility
By default, methods are public. Access modifier (`private`, `protected`, `public`) continues until the end of the scope, or another access modifier pops up. So a modifier will last to the end of the class if no other modifiers pop up.

A protected method can be called from a class or descendant class instances, but also with another instance as its receiver.

A private method cannot be called outside the instance.

## Modifiability
Ruby class are open. You can redefine the class and adding, changing or removing things of that class.

To open a class, simply redefine it as normal class definition.
* Adding: simply define it.
* Changing: use `alias <new_name> <old_name>` to change name.
* Removing a method: use `remove_method :<my_method>`.

## Inheritance
class Children < Parent

Note class variables are shared between base class and all child classes; but instance variable is not shared.

To call the overloaded method in parent class from child class, use super keyword.

class Foo
  def foo

class Bar < Foo
  def foo
    "Super says: #{super}"

Method naming conventions

  • Methods that answer questions (returns true or false) end in question marks.
  • Methods that are potentially dangerous end with exclamation marks.


A module is a collection of methods and constants.

module ModuleExample
	def foo

To use the module, use include or extend keyword:

class Person
	include ModuleExample

class Book
	extend ModuleExample
  • include modules binds the methods to objects of the class.
  • extend modules binds the methods to the class.

Modules can be nested. You can physically put inner module inside the outer module, or use :: like . in Java provided the outer modules are already defined.

Embedded Ruby

Ruby provides a program called ERB (Embedded Ruby). It allows you to put Ruby codes inside an HTML file. ERB reads along, word for word, and then at a certain point, when it encounters a Ruby code embedded in the document, it starts executing the Ruby code.

The syntax is similar as JSP.

You need to know only two things to prepare an ERB document:

  • If you want some Ruby code executed, enclose it between <% and %>.
  • If you want the result of the code execution to be printed out, as a part of the output, enclose the code between <%= and %>.
<% page_title = "Demonstration of ERB" %>
<% salutation = "Dear programmer," %>


      <title><%= page_title %></title>
      <p><%= salutation %></p>
      <p>This is an example of how ERB fills out a template.</p>